Part of Thermo Fisher Scientific

Remel is a world-class microbiology brand. As a trusted supplier of a broad range of high quality media and diagnostic products used in clinical, industrial, research, and academic laboratories, and backed by a team of service experts, we are dedicated to microbiology.

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The Remel BactiSwab® line meets the highest standards for quality and offers a range of important features. A variety of media available provides enhanced survival even for fastidious organisms such as Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

  • Spiral media chamber to keep samples immersed and protected during transport
  • Round-bottom tube for easy racking
  • Seamless molding to ensure strength and integrity
  • Exclusive zip-seal bulk packaging to promote optimum media performance
  • Color-coded cap with protective overskirt
  • Sterile, non-toxic swab tip for good sample retrieval and absorption